Symphony Persuasion


Product Details

*Due to variations in monitor settings and color balances, colors are representative only and should not be construed as an exact color match of the listed product.

General Specifications

Weight(linear yard) 28.0 oz
Width 54 "
Thickness 1.00 mm
Gauge 0.040
Emboss SE737
Surface Composition PVC
Substrate Composition Polyester
Substrate Weight 4.0 oz

General Treatments

UV Resistance 1000 Hours CFFA-2/ASTM G26-96 Method C
Cold Crack -10 F CFFA-6 Federal Standard
No. 191A-Method 5874
Mildew Resistant Pass CFFA-120/ASTM G21-96
Anti-Bacterial Pass CFFA-300/AATCC*
Test Method 147-2004
Anti-Microbial Pass CFFA-300/AATCC*
Test Method 147-2004
Resilience SR Pass  
Bleach Resistant Pass Diluted 1:10